Thursday, May 7, 2009

Chains, Laurie Halse Anderson

Anderson, Laurie Halse (2008).
New York: Simon & Schuster.
Genre: Historical fiction

After being sold to a cruel couple in New York City, Isabel, a slave, spies for the rebels during the Revolutionary War.

At the beginning of the Revolutionary War, Isabel's owner dies shortly after promising to set her and her sisters free. After the funeral, the owner's nephew breaks the promise and sells Isabel and her five-year-old sister to a cruel Loyalist family. The sisters are shipped from their quiet rural, farm to chaotic New York City. Isabel is heartbroken and determined to find a way to freedom. This includes spying on her new owners in order to help the rebels win the war. New York is dangerous and volatile, and Isabel soon discovers that it is difficult to trust anyone. She is betrayed by both the Loyalists and the Patriots; she suffers harsh punishment. Chains is an exceptional book that effectively portrays a young woman trying to stay true to herself. Readers will appreciate the interesting plot and characters, while the complex issues and rich imagery will allow them to delve deeper into the book. The chapters are short and fast-paced, and each chapter begins with a historical quotation. The Author's Notes provide insight into various issues surrounding the Revolutionary War. The novel deals with the true price of freedom- for Isabel as well as a developing nation.